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Roof Cleaning Mistakes That You Must Avoid

The roof is often neglected when it comes to maintaining a home’s exterior, yet it is a vital component that requires significant time and resources for installation, upkeep, and repair. Given that it serves as your first line of defense against the elements, it is imperative to prolong its lifespan.

Professional services for roofing-related tasks remain the best option, given the considerable investment involved. Hence, it is crucial to be aware of what to consider when selecting the best and most dependable roof cleaning services company to work with.

But have you also played your part in maintaining your roof? Inadequate cleaning and maintenance can hasten its deterioration, even sooner than expected. Whether you have never cleaned it or it has been a long time since your last roof cleaning session, you should understand the proper methods of roof cleaning. Read this entire post to know of all the mistakes you should avoid while cleaning your roof.

Why is Roof Cleaning Necessary?

Despite the importance of roof cleaning, many homeowners still underestimate its necessity. However, let us dispel this misconception. While rainfall may remove some debris on the roof’s surface, it cannot eliminate algae, mold, and moss.

Although it might have been acceptable some years ago, regular roof cleaning should now be on your yearly to-do list. Otherwise, your roof will deteriorate faster than anticipated.

In recent times, most roof manufacturers use calcium-based fillers that promote the growth of moss and algae. Thus, even with regular cleaning, dirt, and debris are bound to accumulate. Therefore, proper washing is necessary to prevent your roof from being covered with these elements.

Signs That Indicate You Need Gutter Maintenance

Your gutters, like the other parts of your home’s exterior, are exposed to various weather conditions. Rain and wind can cause wear and tear that affects their ability to drain water properly. Therefore, it is crucial to keep an eye on them for maintenance needs.

Common Roof Cleaning Mistakes To Side-Step

Using Abrasive Chemicals

The use of harsh chemicals during roof cleaning can harm the color of the roofing material, and misunderstanding the instructions on the label could lead to disintegration and costly repairs. Bleach, for instance, should be used with caution, nearby plants should be covered, and furniture removed from runoff areas. Other chemicals may also cause harm to animals or damage to the roof, so reading the instructions carefully is vital.

The market is flooded with various roof cleaning products, but not all are appropriate. Many of these cleaning agents contain harsh chemicals that may do more harm than good to the roof. Such chemicals can cause premature deterioration of roofing components and discoloration of the roof surface. Even if you can remove the moss and stains, the discoloration and deterioration may be irreversible, leading to the need for a costly roof replacement.

Ignoring Filthy Gutters

When it comes to roof cleaning, most homeowners focus solely on removing stains and debris that affect the overall appearance. Unfortunately, they often overlook a crucial aspect of maintenance – the gutters. Although debris in clogged gutters may not be visible, it can have serious consequences. As water accumulates on the roof due to clogged gutters, it can cause significant damage to the shingles, resulting in costly repairs.

Therefore, it’s essential to clean the gutters as frequently as you clean the rest of the roof if not more frequently, to ensure the proper flow of water and prevent potential damage to the roofing material.

Pressure Washing the Roof

Pressure washing is not recommended for cleaning roofs because it can cause significant damage to the shingles. The force of the pressure washer can dislodge the granules on the shingles, which are important for protecting the shingle and extending its lifespan. These granules help to reflect UV rays and prevent the shingles from deteriorating due to exposure to the elements. When the granules are removed, the shingles are exposed to the sun’s UV rays, which can cause them to dry out and crack. This can lead to leaks and other serious issues that can be costly to repair.

Furthermore, pressure washing can also force water under the shingles and into the attic, leading to moisture damage and mold growth. This can also result in rotting wood, which will need to be replaced. Overall, pressure washing your roof is a risky and unnecessary cleaning method. It’s much better to use alternative cleaning methods such as soft washing, which uses low-pressure water and cleaning solutions to safely and effectively remove dirt and stains without damaging the shingles.

Using Brush Cleaning

One should be cautious when using a brush for roof cleaning as it can damage the roofing material and lead to further growth of fungi and algae. For instance, if a DIYer uses a brush against the tiles’ pitch or shingles, the bristles might catch and pull up on the roofing material, causing loosening and accidentally brushing debris under the roofing layer instead of off the roof. 

Even if you hire a roofing company, be aware of the cleaning method used by the “expert” and take a photo to document it. If the company uses a strong brush and seems clueless about proper cleaning methods, it’s better to stop them to prevent damage to your roof. In case of any damages caused by the company, the photo can be used as evidence to seek compensation in court.

Not Paying Heed to the Weather

Ignoring the weather can be a huge mistake when it comes to maintaining your roof. For example, if it’s fall and leaves have accumulated on your roof, leaving them there can lead to the buildup of algae. It’s important to keep an eye on your roof throughout the year and do regular inspections, even if that means using a ladder or drone. If you have a property with many trees, it may be worth investing in a good leaf blower to minimize the need for professional cleaning. 

Wind can cause water and cleaning agents to spray all over, which can make cleaning less effective. On rainy days, the cleaning agents may be rinsed off too soon, and on hot days, the cleaner may evaporate too quickly. Therefore, it’s essential to be aware of the weather conditions when planning to clean your roof.

Even if you hire a roofing company, be aware of the cleaning method used by the “expert” and take a photo to document it. If the company uses a strong brush and seems clueless about proper cleaning methods, it’s better to stop them to prevent damage to your roof. In case of any damages caused by the company, the photo can be used as evidence to seek compensation in court.

Not Walking on the Roof Correctly

Ignoring the weather can be a huge mistake when it comes to maintaining your roof. For example, if it’s fall and leaves have accumulated on your roof, leaving them there can lead to the buildup of algae. It’s important to keep an eye on your roof throughout the year and do regular inspections, even if that means using a ladder or drone. If you have a property with many trees, it may be worth investing in a good leaf blower to minimize the need for professional cleaning. 

Cleaning Too Much or Too Often

It is important to strike a balance between cleaning and not overdoing it. Too much cleaning can harm your roof and shorten its lifespan. One of the reasons for this is that excessive cleaning can damage the shingles or other roofing materials, which can lead to leaks and further damage to your roof. Additionally, too much scrubbing can wear away the protective coating on your roof, making it more vulnerable to the elements.

On the other hand, neglecting your roof can also have negative consequences. Algae and moss, for example, can cause damage to your roof if left untreated. Debris buildup and overhanging tree branches can also contribute to roof damage over time.

To strike the right balance, it’s important to perform regular inspections and cleanings, but not overdo it. It’s recommended to have your roof cleaned professionally once a year, but also to perform regular maintenance in between to keep it in good condition. This can include removing debris, trimming branches, and treating any algae or moss growth promptly.

Trying to Clean It Yourself with No Experience

The internet has everyone thinking that they can do everything on their own and do not need any expert help. However, roof cleaning is not something that you should try out yourself. Especially when you do not have any prior experience with it. If you’re a homeowner who prefers to do their roof cleaning, it’s important to consider the potential downsides. 

Despite the convenience of DIY cleaning, many homeowners fail to take proper roof maintenance seriously. They may simply rent a pressure washer and cleaning solution, thinking this is sufficient. However, this approach can be risky and may not lead to the desired level of cleanliness. Roof cleaning is not a task that should be taken on as a DIY project. There are numerous reasons why it’s best to leave it to the professionals.

One major concern is safety. Climbing onto a roof and attempting to clean it can be dangerous, particularly if you lack experience. Balancing on roof tiles while using powerful cleaning equipment requires skill and focus. If you’re not confident in your abilities, it’s best to hire a professional to handle the job.

Putting Weight on Ridge Caps

When novice roofers or DIY enthusiasts climb onto a roof, they may not be aware of the risks. A sudden cracking or breaking sound on the ridge can occur, which is essentially the seam of the roof. The caps installed on the ridge are not intended to provide additional support but rather to protect the roof. Applying too much weight or leverage on the cap can cause it to crack or break. To prevent this, it’s important to avoid stepping on the ridge altogether.

Additionally, it’s important to choose a reputable roof cleaning company. Look for a business with a strong track record and positive reviews online when searching for a “roof cleaning company near me”. If you need assistance finding the right roof cleaning company, click here for more information.

Ignoring the Cleaning Guidelines of the Manufacturer

Failing to adhere to the manufacturer’s cleaning guidelines is a common mistake when it comes to roof cleaning. These guidelines provide specific instructions for safely and effectively cleaning a roof and must be followed closely.

It’s important to note that not all roofs are cleaned using the same methods. Following incorrect instructions can result in damage to the roof.

To avoid making this mistake, take the time to read and understand the instructions thoroughly. If you are unsure about any aspect of the cleaning process, it’s advisable to consult a professional. They can also perform regular roof inspections to ensure that your roof stays in good condition.

Hiring a Professional Roof Cleaning Company is a good idea for several reasons.

 Firstly, professional roof cleaners have the experience and knowledge to safely and effectively clean your roof. They are trained in the appropriate cleaning methods for different types of roofing materials and have the right equipment to access and clean hard-to-reach areas of your roof. This can help ensure that your roof is cleaned properly without causing any damage.

Secondly, hiring a professional roof cleaning company can save you time and effort. Roof cleaning can be a time-consuming and physically demanding task, especially if you’re not used to working at height. By hiring a professional, you can free up your time to focus on other things, while also ensuring that your roof is cleaned to a high standard. 

Additionally, professional roof cleaning companies typically offer a guarantee on their work, so if you’re not satisfied with the results, they will come back and re-clean your roof at no additional roof cleaning cost.

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